Jigawa Judicial Service Commission Terminates service of 3 officers, others

  • Posted on January 11, 2025
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By Ali Ali Rabiu Jigawa. 

In an effort to meet with corrupt-free judiciary and maintain high level of performance, discipline and professionalism - Jigawa State Judicial Service Commission in it's out-come of the 178th meeting held in Dutse on the 7th January, 2025.

In the out-come signed by the Commission's Secretary Barr. Auwalu Dan'azumi, stated that the Commission received the report of investigation committee from High Court department in respect of  Iyal Ibrahim (Higher Registrar on GL 08)  and Baffa Alhaji ( Principal Registrar on GL 14). The two officers found guilty for illegal Sales of two (2) vehicle exhibits of the Federal High Court, Dutse and they committed an official misconduct punishable under Rule 5 (4)&(6) of the Jigawa State Judiciary Scheme of Service, (2006).

In a statement signed Abbas Rufa'i Wangara, Director Protocol & Publicity judiciary, Jigawa State, indicated that in it's 178th sitting, the Commission's resolved that the service of the two officers be terminated in accordance with Section 41 of the judicial Service Commission Law, Cap. J20 Laws of Jigawa State, (2012).

Similarly, the Commission received a report from High Court department in respect of  Abdu Hassan Aujara (Chief Clerical Officer) for suppressing Nine Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Naira Only (965,000) being a litigant's deposit in respect of a case of recovery filed by Ja'iz Bank before Chief Magistrate Court Jahun. Therefore, the Commission resolved that the service of the officer be terminated in accordance with Section  41 of the Judicial Service Commission Law, Cap. J20 Laws of Jigawa State, (2012).

Moreover, the Commission deliberated on the report of the Judiciary Public Complaint Committee (JPCC) in respect of Alkali Adamu Isyaku Farin-Dutse a Shari'a Court Judge who was allegedly abused of judicial power and misapplication of the law. The Shari'a Court Judge had been warned several times in that regards. 

After careful deliberations found the officer liable for official misconduct in accordance with the provision of Section 5.4 of the Judiciary Scheme  of Service. Therefore, the Commission resolved to write to the officer and advise him to tender a resignation letter from service within two (2) weeks as provided by Section 41 of the Judicial Service Commission Law, Cap. J20 Laws of Jigawa State, (2012).

Meanwhile, the Commission deliberated on the Judiciary Public Complaint Committee (JPCC) report on official misconduct in respect of Alkali Muhammad Shehu Usman a Shari'a Court Judge who was alleged on abuse of power by issuing writ of possession before delivering a judgement which shows clearly conducting judicial functions without following due process of the law. 

So that, action of the officer violates the provision of Section 5.4 of the Judiciary Scheme of Service, (2006). Therefore, the Commission resolved to write to the officer and advise him as a matter of urgent to tender his resignation letter from the service in accordance with the provision of Section 41 of the Judicial Service Commission Law, Cap. J20 Laws of Jigawa State, (2012).

In a related development, the Commission look into the report of the Judiciary Public Complaint Committee (JPCC) in respect of Alkali Usman Usman Zubair a Shari'a Court Judge who was alleged with abuse of judicial power by refusing to adjudicate properly on matters of distribution of shares to the legal heirs and allowed another person who was not a party to the substantive matter to benefit. And the Commission also found that the officer had been warned for irregularities in both his civil and criminal proceedings. 

The Commission resolved to write to Alkali Usman Usman Zubair and advise him to tender resignation letter from service within two (2) weeks. 

In another development, the Commission issues a WARNING LETTER to resident Magistrate Gumel Munnir Sarki Abdullahi for converting civil matter to criminal by allowing himself to be partisan in the case. The Commission warned him under Section 41 of the Judicial Service Commission Law, Cap. J20 Laws of Jigawa State, (2012).

Similarly, the Commission warned Magistrate Yakubu Ibrahim for abuse of power by insulting and uttering a derogatory words to a litigant when she appeared before him at Chief Magistrate Court Maigatari.

Jigawa State Judicial Service Commission is committed to providing a fair and supportive working environment for all employees and assured that will continue to take necessary actions to maintain this standard.