HADEJIA STATE: Senator Ahmad Renaissance the Struggles

Ahmad Ilallah
The quest of the creation of Hadejia State is a long time struggle, the region has been in the struggle during any moment on the matter of state creations in Nigeria.
However, it is typical for things to occur at the appropriate moment. All devout Muslims share the idea that Allah acts whenever he pleases.
But, to the surprise of many people, the recent list of newly states contenders published by the National Assembly, Hadejia was not in the list, while during the previous assemblies, there was a request for the creation of Hadejia State out of Jigawa State.
However, the recent move by Senator Ahmed Abdulhamid, sponsoring a Bill for creation of Hadejia State has rebirthed the hope of the region to actualize their dream.
A Bill for an act to alter the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (cap. C23) LAWS OF THE FEDERATION OF NIGERIA, TO CREATE HADEJIA STATE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR MATTERS RELATED THERETO, Sponsored by Senator Mallam Madori is taken.
During the Senate session of 25/2/2025, Nigerians are informed of a Bill for the creation of Hadejia state and the House has taken the Bill, therefore the Bill has joined the queue today, the 25th day of February 2025, to await further legislative action.
The people of Hadejia are so proud of the Senator and applauses his giant efforts of good representation at the Red Chamber. He really rebirths the struggle.